Elizabeth Castle Restoration

Project Area

Ecological Mitigation and Protection


We assisted Jersey Heritage with their planning application to restore and renovate the Hospital Block and Barracks at Elizabeth Castle. These historic buildings form part of an offshore fortification, which supports important populations of breeding sea birds.

Our team of Ecological Surveyors carried out protected plant searches, bat activity surveys and monitored the buildings for breeding birds. Surveys revealed a common pipistrelle bat roosting beneath a fascia board as well as breeding house sparrows, oyster catchers and herring gulls using the buildings. Sharp-leaved fluellen, a protected plant, was also found nearby.

Short-term mitigation

Appropriate timing of works was the most important consideration in this project. Scaffolding was constructed outside of the bird breeding season (to minimise disturbance) and the scaffold was wrapped to prevent birds from nesting during works. A licence was acquired to allow for the temporary destruction of the bat roost, which was carefully dismantled by hand under the supervision of an Ecologist. Finally, the site compound was carefully searched for protected plants and suitable routes for access and areas for storage were chosen where ground was hard-standing and species poor grassland.

Long-term enhancements

Habitat for crevice-seeking bats was created behind the replacement wooden fascia boards of the renovated buildings. Existing features for nesting house sparrows were retained and not pointed. The replacement roofs continue to provide breeding habitat for gulls and oyster catchers. At completion of works, a final site check will be made by our lead Ecologist to ensure that surrounding grasslands are unharmed, and if necessary, management advice will be provided.


Chris O’ Connor, Head of Property at Jersey Heritage, said ‘I have had the pleasure of working with Nurture Ecology on a number of projects carried out by Jersey Heritage over a number of years. The project at Elizabeth Castle to refurbish two of the historic buildings was unique in terms of logistics and getting the team to site. This proved to be no barrier and actually allowed me to work alongside their teams in carrying out the various surveys required to discharge Planning Conditions.

Planning and legal requirements aside, the passion shown for the work they do in protecting our fragile environment is infectious and, taking on board the relatively simple enhancement measures proposed enabled us to deliver a complex project, whilst achieving a Biodiversity Net Gain. This is not only environmentally important but compliments the work we do with the Islands’ built Heritage. 

I look forward to our continued relationship and am more than satisfied that, with their expertise and knowledge, the wildlife on our sites and within Jersey will continue to thrive.’

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