Ecological Clerk of Works

  • What is an Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW)?

    The role of an ECoW is to ensure your development runs in line with the Wildlife (Jersey) Law 2021 and any ecological Planning Conditions relating to your development.

    Throughout your project we provide advice and practical help with any ecological issues that may arise. This can include:

    • 'Toolbox talks' to contractors

    • Protected species licence applications

    • Liaison with planning

    • Ecological supervision

    • Safe translocation of protected species

  • When would I need an ECoW?

    Appointing an ECoW is vital for larger, or sensitive habitat projects to manage ecological risks and avoid costly delays or risk of prosecution.

    We also assist with smaller projects where it may be necessary (or a planning requirement) to supervise work in order to remove/reduce risks to wildlife. For example, supervising a roof strip where bats are known to roost, or carrying out a watching brief for reptiles while a digger clears a garden.

    Our specialist ECoW team is CIEEM accredited and has a wide range of experience working on projects across the Channel Islands.

Mark Le Boutillier, Director of GR Langlois

The Nurture Ecology team are very professional as well as being practical in understanding the need to keep the project moving forward. We have no hesitation in recommending Nurture Ecology to their other prospective clients and will no doubt be using their services on our future developments